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We continously seek between design and technology. For over a decade, we’ve helped businesses to craft honest.

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We continously seek between design and technology. For over a decade, we’ve helped businesses to craft honest.

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reduce pollution

Maximize Resources.

At the forefront of sustainable innovation, we retrofit investment properties to not only meet but exceed the standards of energy efficiency and sustainability. Experience the future of real estate investment with Eco Place


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About Us

Produce Your Own Clean Save The Environment

  1. “Our comprehensive approach transforms properties using solar panels, air source heat pumps, and internal wall insulation, ensuring each investment is optimised for energy savings and environmental impact.”

why choose us


Benefits to Save Energy


Renewable Energy

Transforming properties with cutting-edge, eco-friendly retrofitting solutions


Always Clean Energy

Integrating solar panels for sustainable energy and significant savings.


Easy Installation

Installing air source heat pumps for efficient heating and cooling.


Life Sustainable

Enhancing properties with internal wall insulation for optimal thermal performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the savings likely to be by making the ecoplace switch ?


Any Question?

Eco Place specialises in a comprehensive range of sustainable solutions, from solar panels to advanced temperature control. Our approach not only enhances property value and savings but also aligns with environmental goals, making your investment future-proof and appealing to a broad market.

The Eco Place switch automatically compares energy suppliers and switches your property to the lowest cost provider, ensuring you always benefit from the best possible rates and savings

The ideal ambient temperature for comfort and efficiency is typically between 19°C to 21°C (66°F to 70°F). Our systems maintain this range efficiently, ensuring comfort without excessive energy use.

These thermostats allow for precise control of indoor temperatures, taking into account external conditions. This leads to more efficient use of heating and cooling systems and lower energy consumption.

Eco Place offers high-efficiency solar panels, tailored installation plans, and maximized ROI through optimized positioning and technology. Our expertise ensures your property benefits from maximum energy production and savings.



Air source heat pumps provide efficient heating and cooling, cutting energy costs by up to 50% compared to traditional systems. They're environmentally friendly, leveraging outside air, making your property attractive to eco-conscious tenants.



Wall insulation significantly improves energy efficiency, keeping your property warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This upgrade leads to reduced heating and cooling costs and enhanced comfort for occupants.
